Pasaia Port

We are working with you to draw up the maritime lines of the future

Vista aérea del puerto de Pasajes

Fees and charges

In this section you can view and download the information on port Fees and Charges of different port services, charges of technical and nautical services (pilotage, towage, mooring-unmooring of ships, etc.) charges and charges for collection and treatment of waste. Here is also available, port's services area occupancy fees (port's land and water valuation) , valued  according to legislative RD 2/2011, of 05 September.


Fees and Charges of port services 2024, applied on the Port of Pasaia from the 1st January 2024.



Fees and Charges of port services 2024, applied on the Port of Pasaia from the 1st January 2024.



Valued according to legislative RD 2/2011, of 11th September.