In terms of security, Pasaia Port Authority is equipped with:
- An Integrated Health and Safety System, based on the Pasaia Port Authority's Occupational Health and Safety Policy, and which takes into account the whole port community, suppliers and contractors-subcontractors which, under proper coordination, are being given various prevention instructions.
- A Pasaia Port Self-Protection Plan, and the corresponding resources associated with this, which aims to control emergency situations as quickly as possible, thereby avoiding damage or, if this is impossible, reducing any damage to a minimum. The scope of this Plan extends to the land and maritime areas of Pasaia Port and it aims to be the tool that brings together the different Emergency and Self-Protection Plans of the authorised companies, concession companies, service providers and, in general, the different port users.
- An Interior Maritime Plan to combat marine pollution, and the corresponding resources associated with this, in order to organise and plan the response to an accidental spillage of oil or chemical substances into the sea which could damage the ecosystem.
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Means of combating marine pollution
- Means of combating marine pollution: To ensure that the port is ready to take action in the event of a spill, regardless of the resources provided by the operators themselves, the PPA has its own resources to combat accidental marine pollution. These are containment barriers for both external and internal waters, devices for the absorption and recovery of oil, deposits for storing recovered oil and containers for any waste that may be generated. Similarly, there are also tidal compensators, located in different strategic areas of the docks, to connect the containment barriers and therefore avoid the dispersion of a possible spill.
Means of combating marine pollution.
Means of combating marine pollution.
- An emergency control centre for the management of the different incidents which may occur in Pasaia Port.
Emergency control centre.