Pasaia Port Authority seeks to ensure the standardised use of the two official languages in the Autonomous Basque Community in its relations with the public, customers and users. As a result, in 2005 Pasaia Port Authority approved its Language Policy (subsequently revised and approved in 2009 and 2011.
On the basis of this policy, the appropriate measures are being taken and the necessary means put in place to progressively ensure the exercising of the language rights of the aforementioned groups. A language Management System has been implemented which controls the use of languages in aspects such as communication and image, external relations and internal relations. In this way, focussing on bilingualism, we aim to improve the quality of our service, provide greater value added to the work of the Pasaia Port Authority and act in a socially responsible way.
This video, filmed in 2011, summarizes our work in the languages management area:
Commitments from the Pasaia Port Authority in relation to language management
- Normally working in Basque and Spanish, at least complying with the current legislation.
- Promoting, protecting and providing the necessary resources, in keeping with the objectives, actions that promote use (internal and external), knowledge and institutionalisation of the Basque language.
- Developing, implementing and maintaining a Management System for the Use of Official Languages, providing this with the necessary resources, both human and material.
- Integrating the objectives, actions and criteria related to the use of languages in the current management model and in any systems, policies and strategies that may be implemented in the future.
- Disclosing all the information and experience generated in the Authority to the various governments bodies and everyone making up the workforce, users and suppliers, with the purpose of proactively influencing the attitudes in its environment and developing areas of collaboration to promote the use of the Basque language.
- The management is responsible for implementing the plan and the Project Committee is the driving force behind this, but it is a matter for everyone, given their position, to respect the use of languages in their daily tasks.
As a result of our social commitment, our appropriate management of language and our intention to increase the quality of our services through the standardised use of both official languages in the Autonomous Basque Community, Pasaia Port Authority has obtained the silver Certificate of Quality in the Management Linguistics Bikain, - Bikain Language Management Certificate