In addition to its commercial and historical value as the port for Gizpuzkoa and its importance to industry, we are aware that the activity in Pasaia port generates different environmental effects on the air, water and soil around it.
La Autoridad Portuaria de Pasaia (en adelante APP) apuesta por el desarrollo sostenible de la actividad por medio del control y seguimiento de los impactos generados, de la optimización de las actividades que los producen, de la sensibilización y fomento de un mejor comportamiento ambiental en el conjunto de la comunidad portuaria, así como de la mejora del entorno urbano. Para ello la APP establece diversas instrucciones, destacando la Instrucción Técnica de Operaciones Portuarias.
The Pasaia Port Authority (hereinafter PPA) is commitment to the sustainable development of its activities through the control and monitoring of the impact generated, the optimisation of the activities that produce this impact, the awareness and promotion of better environmental. For doing that, the Port Authority of Pasaia has established several instructions, highlightint the Technical Instruction on Solid Bulk.
The PPA aims to cooperate with the operators in preventing and fighting against contamination, raising awareness in environmental matters and implementing the principle of self-regulation in order for the operators to take on environmental protection as part of the port's culture. To do this, the PPA offers the operators the “Good Environmental Practices Guide” prepared by the State Ports organisation.
In this context, in January 2012 an inter-agency committee was established in order to start a line of work to improve the environment in Pasaia Bay. This involved different institutions: local authorities in Pasaia Bay, the Provincial Council, the Basque Government and the Port Authority. The aim was to optimise the environmental management of Pasaia Port in particular and Pasaia Bay as a whole. This committee operates through two groups, technical and political.
Both the technical and the political group meets six-monthly and sets in motion the actions established in a work schedule. This document includes the aspects to improve in each of the different areas: water, ground, waste, air and noise, as well as other general aspects, and it has subsequently served to assess compliance with the objectives.