Pasaia Port

We are working with you to draw up the maritime lines of the future

Vista aérea del puerto de Pasajes

Air quality

The main air contamination emission sources present in the port of Pasaia, apart from road traffic and the execution of works, are companies operating within the port area and which have facilities or equipment that represent sources of systematic contamination (fixed emissions) and/or which handle goods likely to generate pulverance (exceptional or diffuse emissions) involving the emission of suspended particles.

Means / Measurements:

The PPA monitors the air quality data in the environment through the information obtained from the Air quality surveillance network of the Basque Government. The Environmental Inspection Service of the Department of the Environmental and Land Planning Policy at the Basque Government is responsible for ensuring compliance with the maximum values established by the current legal regulations.

From the data we can see that the most significant contaminant in the environment is PM10 suspended particles. However, the number of times that the daily limit value has been exceeded is significantly lower than that established by the current legal regulations (35 times), and this is also true for the annual average maximum value (40 μg/m3).

                  estaciocalidadaire               Anemometro-Avanzado    

Image of Basque Goverment's air quality station and an anemometer property of PPA installed nearby the port.

Despite this, in order to reduce the impact that may be caused by operations with solid bulk cargos as much as possible, the Port Authority of Pasaia has established instructions aimed at limiting the impact of port operations on the environment. Through the Port Police it also detects and controls situations of excessive contamination and, where appropriate, reports these to the operating department so that it can ask the cargo handling company to take the measures necessary to reduce the impact.

Moreover, the Pasaia Port Authority, through the Control Centre of the Port Police, centralises the processing of complaints received and assesses each case to decide whether certain measures need to be applied.