Pasaia Port

We are working with you to draw up the maritime lines of the future

Vista aérea del puerto de Pasajes


In compliance with that established in the additional first provision of Organic Law 9/2013, of 20 December, regarding the control of commercial debt in the public sector, the average payment periods for the State's Ports are published.


In application of Article 4.1 of Law 15/2010, the payment period cannot be longer than 60 days.

The average payment period (PMP to use its Spanish initials) is the amount calculated in days for the total payments made, with weighting for the size of the selected operations.

Average payment period = Sum (Number of payment period days x Amount of the operation) / Sum of the total amount for the selected operations

The number of payment days is calculated as the difference between the payment date and the date for the start of the legal payment period.

From the data for the Port Authority of Pasaia, it has been observed that the periods are as follows:

  InvestmentsOperating expenses
Average payment period (PMP) 61,07 44,73

Indicators from the sustainability report

Businesses and Services


Income by occupancy and activity rates as well as the percentage of each of these with regard to net turnover; evolution over the last 6 years


Tonnes moved per square meter in the land service area: evolution the last 6 years

Structure and investments


Evolution over the last three years of the public investment for which the PPA is responsible compared to cash flow


Evolution over the last three years of the renewal of assets, expressed as the volume of annual investment as a percentage of average net assets